
Botswana Bans Starlink Services

The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) has made it clear: Starlink, the internet satellite service from SpaceX, is a no-go in Botswana.

They’ve declared importing, using, or selling Starlink kits illegal, and anyone caught doing so will be in trouble.

Why? Well, first off, Starlink hasn’t got the green light to operate in Botswana yet. Despite applying, they’re still waiting for the official nod. 

Remember back on February 2, 2024, when Botswana’s watchdog said “no” to Starlink’s plans? That’s because Starlink didn’t meet all the requirements.

BOCRA emphasised that Starlink hasn’t given anyone permission to bring their kits into Botswana. Those who already have the kits, especially at the Kazungula border in Zambia, are stuck. They can either take the kit back to Zambia or ask BOCRA for permission, which hasn’t worked out for anyone yet.

Now, here’s a twist: while Botswana says no, neighbouring countries like Zambia and Mozambique say yes. So, users can buy Starlink in these places and use it “on the go” in Botswana, despite the ban.

But hold on, Starlink has rules too. They say you can’t import or sell their kits in a place where they’re not officially launched. How they’ll enforce this rule in places where it’s already being used remains a mystery.

Meanwhile, in South Africa, where Starlink is also banned, hundreds of customers got disconnected recently for breaking the rules.

As for other African countries like Ghana, Zimbabwe, and yes, even Botswana, who’ve banned Starlink, the future is uncertain for their users.


Hi, I’m Damife Isaac

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