
Zimbabwe Plans Launch of Three New Satellites into Space

Zimbabwe is gearing up for a big leap into space by launching three new satellites. The first one, called ZimSat-2, is almost ready and will be launched later in 2024.

The other two are still in the early stages of being made, with the government’s approval. This exciting move comes after Zimbabwe successfully sent its first satellite, ZimSat-1, into space back in November 2022.

To make this happen, Zimbabwe is teaming up with Japan again, just like before. They’re planning to train people so that Zimbabwe can eventually build its own satellites. And it’s not just three satellites; more are already in the pipeline.

The Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency is working hard with partners to design, make, test, and launch these satellites. They’re aiming to keep everyone updated, with news expected in June 2024 about ZimSat-2’s progress. Plus, Zimbabwe has big dreams of making its own satellites right at home.

The training will cover everything from setting up ground stations to controlling the satellites while they’re up in space. These satellites will mainly keep an eye on Zimbabwe, providing important data for things like agriculture and mining.

ZimSat-1 was the first step, helping with stuff like mapping land and monitoring water quality. Now, ZimSat-2 is coming with even more cool features to keep an eye on the country from above.

Hi, I’m Damife Isaac

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