
Kenya Poised to Greenlight Historic Mobility Policy, Boosting Electric Vehicle Uptake

Kenya is gearing up for a big change in how people get around with their draft of the National E-mobility Policy. This plan aims to make more electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. 

Once it’s official, this policy will make rules for selling cars that don’t make pollution (zero-emission vehicles) and set standards for local car makers to get support from the government. They want to encourage using materials from Kenya to make these cars, which will help local businesses grow.

The policy also wants to make it easier for people to use EVs by making laws and rules to support them. They’re planning to teach students in colleges and universities about making and using electric vehicles to make sure there are enough skilled workers.

The government is serious about making this happen. They’re going to invest in research and development for electric cars and teach people how to use them safely. Kipchumba Murkomen, who works for the government, says this change will create jobs and help reduce pollution. Right now, Kenya spends a lot of money on importing fuel, so using electric cars could save a lot of money.

To make electric cars more visible, the government will give them special green number plates. This will make people notice them more and maybe think about buying one.

This plan is a team effort between different parts of the government and also involves private companies and experts. Kenya already has some big players in electric vehicles, and this policy will help them grow even more.



Hi, I’m Damife Isaac

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