
SA’s MobileGPT Unveils KaraboAI: A New “Chatbot-as-a-Service” Platform

South African startup MobileGPT has introduced KaraboAI, a new platform that lets users easily create intelli chatbots with various features.

Launched last year by Bertha Khokong, MobileGPT is a WhatsApp application powered by the advanced GPT-4 engine. It provides users with a personal AI assistant accessible on the go. The startup participated in the GrindstoneX program late last year.

Now, MobileGPT has evolved into KaraboAI, a comprehensive service offering various chatbot functionalities. These include chatbots for generating quotes, scheduling appointments, handling WooCommerce sales, collecting data, and managing data rooms.

KaraboAI integrates smoothly with Google Calendar, WhatsApp, and WooCommerce. It also includes a WordPress plugin for easy management.

“We travelled around the country talking to clients about MobileGPT, we listened to their needs, and the common thread across most engagements with clients was that people wanted to create their own MobileGPT, their own smart intelligent AI chatbot for internal use, client support, etcetera. So we created exactly that. Now everyone can create their own MobileGPT, in a way, because our chatbots can also be launched on WhatsApp,” Khokong explained.

Hi, I’m Damife Isaac

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