
Polish Firm Farada Group to Establish Drone Factory in Kenya

Polish drone maker Farada Group has received the green light from the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority to set up a drone manufacturing plant in Konza Technopolis. This technology hub, located 64 km south of Nairobi on the way to Mombasa, is a key part of Kenya’s national development plan. The new factory will serve as Farada Group’s supply centre for the African market.

Founded in 2021, Farada Group specialises in making drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). These drones are used for surveillance and delivering goods. The company also offers training for UAV operators, helping them prepare for state certification and upgrade their qualifications.

“We intend to take up a parcel of land here at Konza Technopolis to establish a drone manufacturing company for Kenya and the whole of Africa,” said Farada Group chairman Adam Cudny.

Konza Technopolis officials mentioned that the smart city has a designated area for drone assembly and operations.

“We have all the necessary approvals and we have established a local company to implement the project, “ Cudny added, without revealing the investment details.

Farada Group aims to serve a variety of clients, including Kenya Power and Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited for power line surveillance, and logistics companies for delivering medical supplies. Their drones can carry up to a tonne of goods.

During his state visit earlier this year, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, along with representatives from Farada Group, offered to donate a drone to the Kenya Wildlife Service to help monitor national parks.

This move by Farada Group follows European aerospace giant Airbus’s announcement in December 2023 to make Kenya their base for high-altitude communication drones, an investment that could create up to 1,000 jobs for locals.

Hi, I’m Damife Isaac

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